“Built to Last”

Painting, the icing on the cake. Whether it’s inside or out, a lot has already gone into making your house present and perform well. We want this step to compliment all the hard work.
Outside it’s all about being thorough, jamming primer into cracks and nail holes so that water can’t penetrate. Being disciplined, so as not to miss anything insures that the house gets totally sealed and the next step will bond as it should, creating a finish that will stand up to the weather and protect your home.
Inside it’s about technique and talent. You want smooth finishes that don’t show off your brush or roller marks. Through the years the challenge has been to find painters that would put as much care into their work as I had with the construction. I got lucky, and was able to become partners for several years with the best painter that I knew. This helped us to insure that we would be able to deliver top notch finishes on our jobs and seamlessly weave the paint work in with the construction.
These days, it seems that it’s pretty common to get a cheap paint job. Inside it’s the up close inspection that has to pass the test while outside it’s lasting through the seasons and protecting your house. There is no question that we have done lots of repair work because of cheap paint jobs. It’s well worth it to employ high standards with the finishing of a job.
17A Faxon St.
Nashua, NH 03060
Harvard, MA 01451-0023